Explain why personal hygien is so important when working at he WLC- refer to washing your hands, also after smoking, clean clothes, no strong perfumes and at least anothe two points?
- Animals imunsistem differ from human so if your hands is full of germs and you are prepering meat your transfur your germs to the animals so it is very important to wash your hands after being at the bathroom, smoking
- When smoking the animals smel is very good so they smel you, you stink to them and you are a threat to themand thy may atack you. It is the same with your perfume.
- When ceaning the plat form wer you did cut meat. You have to clean and disinfect the plat form very nice and with diffrent clothes 1 for cleaning the blood from the plat form and then you spray savlone and then you wipe the area with an other clean clothe
Choose 2 exampels and describe the feeding plans, how their food is prepared and why it is being prepared as such?
When feeding you have to know when , how much the animals have to get. So ther have to be a board with all the animals names on and the times and how much food do they get and wat kind of food.
- There shoed be a table for the meat and the fruits/milk. It helps with croscontamination.
- You are going to cut the meat and weigh how much the animal gets and put it on a feeding bowel.
Why do certian animals and birds get fed at certain times?
They have to get small amounts few times a day for the growing progres. When they are small as they get bigger they must get more amount les times a day.
That is how they wil eat in the wilde at the mother. eg. diurnal (day) lion , noctunal (night) owl
(US 113818 Cleaning SOPA3)
Ther are 3 basic chemicals used in the preparation of food- detergent, disinfectant and sterilizer. Explain these and where they are used in the WLC?
- Detergent: will dissolve grease and fats but will not kill bacteria. (wash the feeding bolews)
- disinfectant: remove infection but wil not dissolve fats remove all bacteria. (milk and the maet area tabels)
- sterilizer: milton remove all the bacteria the feeding bottels. it have to be in the milton for an haven houer before killing the bacteria.
Explan what is meant by the "Fight or Flight" response in animals How is this related to an animal's comfortzone and flight distance?
Flight respons , the biological response of animals to cut stress. the space you give the animals to flight there comfortzone
When some of the animals begins hising, showing theath and the ears is back you have to back off it is a warning sing.