
My Hospitality & Nature Conservation experience on Sondela!

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Oriente , navigate, use and create maps in conservation areas:252456

What is a Map?

A map is a graphic representation of the natural and man-made characteristics of an area. In all maps the actual ares is made smaller and must be compares to known distances.

 Purpose of a map:

1. Planning patrol routes
2. Maintaining direction or determine direction in a unknown place.
3.Saving information i.e where fires occurred or where dead animals were found.

How to use a Map:

A map is used to determine current position, or to determine, or to determine and distance from your current position to the next position.

Find your current position:- now that the map is orientated you can look at the terrain features and work out where you are. Ensure that you can find at least three points of reference, otherwise you can plot yourself wrong.

Finding the position of your next destination: Connect your current position with your next destination by means of a straight line.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Collect field specimens and enviromental data:252451

SO1: A list of the prescribed methods is provided that is appropriate to the area od operation.

AC1: Lion: in a mountain. Camp area of operation. Dart it . Move in a closed vehicle/ truck.

Fish: Specifies met. Put in cooler box. Different fish in different bags & water.

Insects: Catch in killer jar/ net. Put in jar. In formalin.

Butterfly: Catch with net if possible. Put in a killer jar with cotton wool at the bottom & in formalin. Put a mesh over it.

AC2: A selection is made of appropriate data collection methods as it applies to the types of data to be collected in the operational environment.

Log site, data type of animal, map it check population & make a diagram. check population after a week.

AC3: A range of environmental data or specimens is collected and records are made to ensure the usefulness of the data collected: Including but not limited to soil, invertebrates, vertebrates, vegetation, rainfall , temperature ect.

Animals that live in the ground. Log in witch site/ground you found him. See if they only occurred in that soil. Check if you can find the same animal in different soil. log his characteristics.

SO1: Applicable navigation techniques are used to reach the collection site as specified for data or specimen collection. Use of navigational equipment and maps.

AC1: Can use a map. But a GPS will give you the precise location. Can use a compass as well.

AC2: A record is made of the localities where the specimens will be collected.

Small animal/insects separate & put in killer jars with in formalin. Butterflies stick up on polystyrene.

SO3:AC1: Required specimens are collected: data obtained and/ or prepared using prescribed methods and procedures.
After collecting / sorting. in formalin - provide tags with all specification needed.

AC2: Record and relevant data are kept of the precise location where the specimens were collected.

Soil specimens- Identify water intake/ monitor soil in different weather conditions- take photo's to see how the soil changes.

AC3: Required environmental data is recorded using appropriate methods and equipment. Tree diameter, prevailing weather condition, and photographs taken..

When storing specimens use correct equipment for the specific specimens. Bottles, pol

AC4: A review is given of what constitutes ethical collecting  practices.

Specimen collected must be released in the same area/ habitat where it was collected.

AC5: Live specimens are released in area of origin where transportation and additional data collection is not required.

Fish- cooler box . Big animals- Dart - Big / closed cages. Insects - box with ventilation When transporting- This side up. fragile items ect.

SO4: AC1:Living specimens obtained for data collection purposes are transported correctly and humanely.

Handle specimens with care, provided tags. Bottles- make sure enough in formalin is added.

AC2: Dead specimens are suitably preserved

When sending- Make sure you follow the steps- Bubble rap. Stickers that specify its a specimen address & return address.

AC3: Specimens are suitably packaged according to organizational procedures.

Telephone number/ address of sender& receiver .Specimen code. Fragile stickers. That says its a specimen

AC4: Steps are taken to ensure that all relevant information accompanies the specimens.

Designated personal will give feedback on specimen you sent. When delivering make sure that the specimen is given to the correct person

Unit Standard 252456: Orienate, navigate, uses and create maps in conservation areas

Orienate, navigate, uses and create maps in conservation areas
SO1: Communicate locations according to the requirements of the situation

AC1: Routes, locations are described using clear language.

AC2: Clear discernible reference point are used to communicate direction.

AC3: Terminology used to communicate direction.
AC4: Appropriate routes are selected and described.

AC5: Alternative routes are identified and provided between 2 points on a map and communicated.

 SO2:Find, orientate and navigate along a rout to a specified destination.

AC1: A range of features and navigational tools are used to find. navigate along a rout.

SO3: Record, interpret and use maps.

AC1: Appropriate map type is selected as it applies to the terrain.

AC2: Orientated to the map using compass points.

AC3: Real location, distances, areas and relative positions.

AC4: Map errors and shortcomings are identified and corrected in accordance with industry norms and standards.

AC5: Contour lines are interpreted and explained in accordance with industry standards.
SO5: Plot information on a map using symbols.

AC1: Range of symbols and keys are used to mark specified areas in the operational environment.
AC2: The relevant information on the map is indicated accurately as per grid reference or co-ordinates.

Unit Standard 252451: Collect field specimens and envoromental data:

SO 1: Use appropriate method's to collect a range of environmental data/or specimens.

AC1: A list of the prescribed method's is provided that is appropriate to the area of operation.

AC2: Selection is made of appropriate data collection methods as it applies to the types of data to be collected in the operational data collected.

AC3: Range of environmental data or specimens is collected/records are made to ensure the usefulness of the data collected.

SO2: Locate and record the area for collection

AC1: Applicable navigation techniques are used to reach the collection site as specified for data or specimen collection

AC2: Record is made of the localities where the specimens will be collecte

SO3: Collect, obtain data and prepare the required specimens according to prescribed procedures.

AC1: Required specimens are collected data obtained and prepared using prescribed methods and prcedures.

AC2: Records and relevant data are kept of the precise location where the specimens were collected.

AC3: Required environmental  data is recode using appropriate methods and equipment.

AC4: A review is given of what constitutes ethical collecting practices.

AC5: Live specimens are released in area of origin where transportation and additional data collection is not required.

SO4: Package specimens safely for transportation

AC1: Living specimens obtained for data collection purposes are transport correctly and humanely.

AC2: Dead specimens are suitably preserved.

AC3: Specimens are suitably package according accompanies the specimens.

AC4: Steps are taken to ensure that all relevant info accompanies the specimens

AC5: The specimens are delivered to the prescribed place and handed over to a designated personnel.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Unit Standard 252460: Implement cultural heritage:

Unit Standard 252460:
Implement cultural heritage:
SO1:Basic concepts of cultural heritage resource management.
AC1: Explanation: “culturual Heritage Resource Managment”.
AC2:Consept is related to the needs of South African sosciety.
AC3: Connection betweent cultural heritage resourrce mnagment and nature.
AC4: Most important principles of cultural heritage resource managment.
SO2: Describe local cultural heritage practices, traditions and sites.
AC1: Sites within the area of operation are visually identified.
AC2: Description given of local practices and traditions relevent to a site.
AC3: Explaning of managing and preserving cultural sites and artefacts.
SO3: Monitor cultural heritage sites.
AC1: Justification given for preserving a cultural heritage site within the area.
AC2: Outline provided of the causes of cultural hertiage site deterioration.
AC3: Important artefacts/ and or cultural assets on the heritage site.
AC4: Implement a managment plan for the cultural heritage site.
AC5: Explanation given of how visitor requirments are accommodated within the context of the law and site management plan.
SO4: Outline relevant aspects of cultural heritage legislation
AC1: Distinction is made between sustainable ans non-sustainable utilisation of cultural resources.
AC2: Preneted key aspects of legislation relevant to the management of a cultural heritage site.
AC3: Outline is provided of penalties incurred for damage site.

Unit Standasrd 244605: Demonstrate ability to participate effectively in a team or group:

Unit Standasrd 244605:
Demonstrate ability to participate effectively in a team or group:
So1: Investigate advantage and disadvantage in group.
AC1: Reasons for working in a group.
AC2: Team worke is more benaficial than working as an individual.
AC3: Risk of a group is identifie.
SO 2:Identify the characteristics of an effective team.
AC1: Effective characteristics in different groups.
AC2:Effective working with partiular reference.
AC3: Behaviours and attitudes that reflect positive relationships are identified with examples.
AC4: Role of communication channels in building relationships
AC5: Potential impact of own strerghts and wecknesses.
SO3:  Idenitfy the role and responsibilities of the group.
AC1: Different roles required for the effective functioning.
AC2: Identified each member of the theams responsibilities
AC3: Explain groups role.
SO4: Explpre techniques to manage group dynamics.
AC1: Techniques for managing conflict constructively are investigated for a specific group sistuation.
AC2: Discussed snd solve problems.
AC3: Effetve communication.

Unit Standard 110064 : Contribute to the health,safety and security of the workplays:

Unit Standard 110064 :
Contribute to the health,safety and security of the workplays:
So1: Identify potential hazards in workplace.
AC1: Potential hazards are correctly identified and removed, reported in terms of own level of capacity.
AC2: Instructions relating to exposure to dangerous substances and hazards in the workplace are known and explanation is given as to why they pose a potental threat to the work enviroment.
AC3: Kinds of work that required protective clothing are identified and protective clothing is used according to legal requirements.
AC4: Health and safety instructions are followed in situations that require lifting and handling of materials.
AC5: Importance of each emplyee being vigilant and reporting hazards and violations of health, saftey and sucurity presudures is known and anderstand with reference to a possible chain of event that could result from not reporting a vidation.
SO 2: Known how to limit damage to persons or property in the event of an accident/emergency.
AC1: The location of fire extinguisher, hoses and alarms is know in a selected work context.
AC2: The difference between the diffrent kinds of extinguishers in the building is identified and the use for each is identifies correctly.
AC3: The use of an fire extinguisher is demonstrated competently.
AC4: Established prosedures relating to hte identification of fires and other emergencies.
AC5: Dangerous occurrence are identified and accurantley and timeously reported according to established policy.
AC6: Injuries involving individuals are reporting promptly on to revent authority .
AC7: Resons are given to explain why it is the responsibility of every employee to maintain the safety and security os a selected work.
SO 3: Know how to contribute to the maintenance of seacurity.
AC1: Security procedures are knowen.
AC2: Secarity rises are identified.
AC3: Potential risks outside.
AC4: Suspicious behaviour.
SO4: Explain emergency procedures.
AC1: Understood of emergencies.
AC2: Planning the assembly points in the bulding.
AC3: Emergencay signage in building corecctly.
AC4: Emergencay procedures are explained.
AC5:Actions to assist an injured persson.
AC6:Dealing with HIV in the workplace.