Fire and Safety:
In oreder to best protect uor customers, it is required of all food and beverage personal to ensure that they are Fmiliar with standard safety procedures and the handling of fires, should any emetgency occur. One should know how to raise a fire alarm, evacuate guests and custermers, protect one self and also know the basic firstaid procedures that should be followed once sombody has injured himself.
Fires are caused by many avoidable incidents like blocked extraction systems, loose wiring on equipment, water coming into contact with open wires, incorrect storage of chemicals, guest and staff negligence.
In order for a fire to start and remain burning, three main elements are necessary:
1. Fuel ( Paper, cloths, furiture, etc)
2. Source of ignition ( Spark, open flame, etc)
3. Oxygen
As soon as one of the mentioned three items is removed, the fire cannot exist and will likely die.
Carry out procedures in the event of a fire:
1. Remain calm
2. Do not run or panic
3. Turn off the major power supply in the event of an electrical fire
4. Raose the alarm
5. Ask for assistance and help from colleagues, guests or staff
6. Do not use elevators
7. Use the correct fire extinguisher for the appropriate fire
8. Follow emergency signs and exists
9. Do not return to collec personal belongings
10. Assist guests and fellow workers as far as possible
Classification of fires:
Ÿ Combusting materials: Wood, paper, linen tablecloths etc.
Extinguishing aget: WATER
Method: Cooling
Ÿ Flammable liquids: Petrol, diese, spirit lamps on tables etc.
Extinguishing aget: FOAM, CO2, and FIRE BLANKET
Method: Smothering
Ÿ Live electrical equipment: Computers, generators, music systems etc
Extinguishing aget: FOAM, CO2, and POWDER
Method: Smothering
Ÿ Flammable meterials: Magnesium, sodium, etc
Extinguishing aget: DRY SAND, POWDER
Method: Smothering
Ÿ Flammable gasses: Methane, propane
Extinguishing aget: WATER, FOAM, and CO2
Method: Cut off supply
Very important:
1. Be sure to use the correct fire extinguisher for the correct fire typ.
2. Familiarize yourself with the fire escapes and fire fighiting equipment in any establishment that you work in.
Avoiding fires:
1. Reqularly service operating equipment.
2. Avoid workig near water when operating an electrical machine.
3. Ensure that equipment is always switched off before unplugging or cleaning it.
4. Never leave running machines unattended.
5. Ensure that smoking only occurs in designated areas.
6. Ensure that staff are trained and qualified to handle difficult and dandgerous machines.
7. Mop up spilt water or liquids as soon as it is noticed.
Fire regulations:
1. Fire extinguisher must be wall mounted on wall brackets.
2. When a fire extinguisher is discharged it must be replenishes as son as possible, and at least within 24 hours.
3. Every establidhment should have a scale drawing indicating the location of fighting wquipment
Ø Fire blankets are also used to extinguish fires.
Ø Also have fire hoses which are linked to the water supply.
Maintaining equipment:
Fire fighiting equipment is essential in areas where there is a potential risk from fires.
It is essential that equipment is:
ü Maintained regularly and kept in good contition.
ü Kept clear from obstruction at all time.
ü Avalible in all areas of work.
ü Used by trained operators.
Using fire fighting equipment:
Method of use
Fires involving papaer, wood etc.
Smothers the fire. Some types also have cooling action.
Do not aim directly into liquid.
Direct jet at inside edge if the fires is in a container.
Fires involving flammable liquids, paint, petrol, etc
Knocks down flames.
Limited cooling effect, so take care the fire does not re-ignite.
Direct the nozzle at the base of the flames and with a rapid sweeping motion drive the flame towards the far edge until the flames are out.
Fires involving ordinary combustible materials, wood, cloth, paper.
Cools the burning material.
Do not use on live electrical equipment, burning fats or oils.
Direct the jet at the base of the flames and keep it moving across the area of the fire.
Carbon dioxide(Black)
Fires involving flammable liquids, oil, petrol, fat.
Smothers flames by displacing oxygen in the air.
Has a limited cooling effect. Take care that fire does not re-ignite.
Direct the discharge horn at the base of the flames and keep the jet moving across the area of the fire.
Small fires involving burning liquids and burning clothing
Smothers the fire.
Hold the blanket carefully so that is protects your body and hands from the fire, and place it over the flames.
v Green signs showing escape route.
v Red signs showing location of the fire extinguisher.
Operate firefighting equipment:
This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to operate and check fire fighting equipment in accordance with manufacturers instructions and workplace emergency procedures, including identifying and selecting the appropriate equipment, using the fire fighting equipment to fight a fire, and checking that the fire fighting equipment is operational.
1 . Check firefighting equipment
1. Fire fighting equipment is checked for serviceability as per manufacturers specifications and regulatory requirements
2. Non-functioning equipment or equipment which is past its service date is identified and reported to designated personnel for replacement or service
2 . Use firefighting equipment
1. Equipment and personal safety equipment used for fighting fires are correctly selected for type of fire in accordance with manufacturers instructions
2. Fire is controlled using fire fighting equipment according to manufacturers instructions and workplace emergency procedures
3. Equipment is stored safely according to manufacturers instructions and workplace procedures
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