
My Hospitality & Nature Conservation experience on Sondela!

Monday 5 December 2011

Combat soil erosion

SO 1: Evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions improve on them.

AC 1: Branching, Baskets, seeding, correct farming techniques,wind breaks & stones, blankets.

AC 2: A detailed explanatory note is written on each of these techniques.

Gabion baskets: On mountains so that the rocks & sand doesn't wash away. Prevents mountain from collapsing.

Branching: Cover area with branches to prevent animals from greasing there.

Seeding: First make holes, then put down seeds, cover with grass & branches.

Blankets: Cover area with blanket and plant plants underneath.

Stones: To prevent grasses & sand/ seeds to wash away.

Wind breaks: Prevent sand from blowing away.

Stream bank: When it rains make a tharrow to send the water to another place and not in the road.

Farming Methods: Remember to plant plants according to contour lines so that the water runs in the correct direction in stead of washing away the soil & plants.

AC 3: A summary is given of to the techniques that were found to work best under particular conditions:

Basket & seeding/ branching technique. Find the best method for certain areas.

AC 4: Lessons learned are noted in order to apply these to future practice

Use different methods & see which works better in which areas & situations.

AC 5: A report on remadial actions taken is given and possible aspects from improvement are identified:

Each method can be used & then all the good & bad aspects must be noted.

AC 6: Assistance is rendered in the rehabilitation of selected areas by planting grass and/ or other forms of vegetation as appropriate.

Plant certain plants with more nutritional value. Animals eat-> Poo's
SO 2: Implement systems of remediation and report on them.

AC 1: Assistance is rendered in planning, organizing and implementing remediation.

List to different plants-test the plants & pick the best technique available.

AC 2: A report is prepared outlining the problem and the proposes solution.

Analyze are afterwords & check what problems arrised, find possible solution

AC 3: Suggestions are made on possible remedial intervention actions:

Do a follow up on the areas you worked on, check the progress. See if something needs to be fix. Make a plan & fix it.

SO 3 : Control erosion through taking appropriate remedial action in the long and short term

AC 1: Intervention are implemented that are aimed at controlling the causes of erosion in the particular area.

Find ways to improve different types of erosion.

AC 2: A selection is made of techniques appropriate to the problem.

Choose a appropriate technique,  that would help with the erosion problem.

 AC 3: The techniques employed are justified in terms of ecological principles.

Make sure you use natural products that are decomposable.

SO 4: Detect and explain the causes of erosion.

AC 1: A determination is made of the causes of soil erosion in terms of the likely factors: 

  • sheet: wind and rain.
  •  Rill: water which leads to gully.
  • Gully is rain/ water. other causes could be snow / animal or people.
AC 2 : The precise nature of the damage done is specified with a view to stopping or limiting soil erosion.

Find out what causes them problem before trying to fix it.

SO 5: Detect soil erosion sites.

AC 1 : Accurate observations are carried out for the purpose of detecting the following signs od soil erosion at a site.

Sheet,Rill,Gully. Find causes of the erosion. When fixing it , make sure you don't just move the problem to another area.

1 comment:

  1. Cool photos. Those areas could definitely benefit from some form of sediment control, especially during the rainy season!
