
My Hospitality & Nature Conservation experience on Sondela!

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Birds day 2

Bids day 2:

What is the definition of   Passerine ?

Of or relating to the relating to the largest order (Passeriformes) of birds which includes over half of all living birds and consists chiefly of altricial songbirds of perching habits-compare.

What is the definition of   Non-Passerine ?

Non passeriena especially: of, relating to or being any of various arboreal birds ( As pigeons, woodpeckers, hummingbirds, and kingfishers) that are not passerines.


Meaning "requiring nourishment", refers to a pattern of growth and development in organisms which are incapable of moving around on their own soon after hatching or being born.  The wood is derived from the Latin root alert meaning "to nurse, rear, or to nourish", and refers to the need for young te be fed and taken care of for a long duration.


Refers to species in which the young are relatively mature and mobile from the moment ob birth or hatching.

Bird identification :

  • Keep your eye on the bird
  • Listen for calls and songs
  • Estimate general size and shape
  • Make note of facial markings and bill charateridtics
  •  Look for wing bars and tail shape
  • Observe leg color and length
  •  Study movement and flight patterns
  •  Determine feeding habits
  • Describe habitat, region, and climate
  •  Record your observations

 Flight patterns:

Brood parasites:

are organisms that use the strategy of brood parasitism, a kind of kleptoparasitism found among birds, fish or insects, involving the manipulation and use of host individuals either of the same (intraspecific brood-parasitism) or different species (interspecific brood-parasitism) to raise the young of the brood-parasite. This relieves the parasitic parent from the investment of rearing young or building nests, enabling them to spend more time foraging, producing offspring etc. Additionally, the risk of egg loss to raiders such as raccoons is mitigated, by having distributed the eggs amongst a number of different nests. As this behaviour is damaging to the host, it will often result in an evolutionary arms race between parasite and host.


Feather are unique to birds: Engineered by evolution, their extreme lightness combined with exceptional strength and flexibility makes feathers the ideal flying gear.  They constitute a truly multi-functional body-suit that is also, water carriers, versatile all-weather gear or as dashing courtship finery.  They can provide a camouflaged covering, rendering birds almost invisible, or their bright iridescent  splashes of colour can turn heads.

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