
My Hospitality & Nature Conservation experience on Sondela!

Monday 10 October 2011


What is composting?

Composting is the aerobic decompostion by bacteria and fungi of milk og organic material.

Composting Methods:

There are 3 methods of composting.

  • Thermal
  • Vermi 
  • Static
Thermal composting:

This is the most reliable to guarantee a product that is weed and pathogen free.  It is also very fast (7 - 8 weeks)

Worm or vermicomposting:

This provides an excellent product as is contains worm casts which are higer in plant available nutrients, but it requires large number of worms and does not aliminate weed seed.

Static composting:

This is the easiest but most unreliable method due to the uncontrolled environment lesving risk of pathogens and surviving weed seed.  It is also very slow and can take up to a year. Thus termal composting is the most suitable method, but it requires diligence and traning to achieve the required results.

The minimum size of a thermal compost heap is abput 1.5 m cubed.

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